Industry type:

A family-owned engineering business

Growing leadership readiness


The board of directors mandated us to assist the business to attain its 2020 strategic goals.

This meant actively developing and growing 12 managers who had been identified for leadership advancement so that they could be ready for their role and responsibility.

Solution implemented

  • Delivered an 18-month bespoke, practical, and focused leadership intervention that built participants’
    • Authentic leadership styles
    • Communication skills
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Confidence to manage candid conversations
    • Ability to hold people accountable
    • Critical thinking and planning skills
  • Introduced a coaching and mentoring culture into the company.


  • The leadership intervention was such a success that we repeated the programme to the next two layers of the company.
  • Four leaders were promoted to more senior roles.
  • One leader has stepped into an executive role.


The combination of interventions and coaching have proven to be the most cost-effective and sustainable. Through concrete data, the team inventions could be tailored according to each team’s needs. The interventions supported the teams to become aware of the situation, raise issues of concern, and collectively find ways to work openly and in a trusting way with one another. Practical tools were provided to support the teams to use common language, which they can relate back to in future meetings.

“The programme was well received by all participants, and the executive who acknowledged the positive outcomes.”

Let’s Make Things Happen

Kerstin Jatho

4Seeds Consulting | Coach & Facilitator

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