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Positive Psychology is the applied scientific study of optimal human functioning and getting the best behaviour in individuals, communities, and institutions. Psychology and Positive Psychology are both human social sciences that have the same fundamental purpose, but tackle it from different angles. Positive Psychology’s intention is to generate evidence-based practice that people can learn and apply themselves to enhance their well-being and experience optimal mental health.
Positive Psychology has been around for centuries, but only got its name in the 1980s from Martin Seligman, president of the American Psychological Association at the time. Its roots can be traced back to the classical Greek philosophers around 4000 BC. After that, it threads through Christianity, the Reformation, and the Renaissance era right through to the 20th century philosophers of Carl Jung, Carl Rogers, and Abraham Maslow.
Between 1950 and 1965, philosophers raised the importance of human dignity, growth, development, and progress, and began to shift from the prevailing pessimistic psychoanalysis world view led by Sigmund Freud. Maslow (in his 1955 Humanistic credo) was ahead of his time when he touched on topics that have become extremely relevant in the 21st century. Examples of these are: the importance of studying people at their best; studying humans as active, autonomous, self-governing beings, making psychology less intellectual and more mainstream; and creating a healthy culture and society in which man can grow and be self-fulfilled.
At this point, it must be said that Positive Psychology is not a Westernised perspective on happiness, but rather a worldwide concept. It’s equally recognised in Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism, Fascism, Confucianism, or Hinduism, where the Third Wave of Positive Psychology has gained much of its secular, spiritual well-being practices such as mindfulness, gratitude, and compassion.
Positive organisations are those in which people thrive while working, because they place people at the centre of their business model. In these organisations, outcomes are achieved above expectations. Values are lived out in all areas, and this creates a positive organisational well-being culture. Positive organisations focus on what makes the working environment positive and empowering for employees, and support their potential for engagement, well-being, and mental health.
Many models and theories exist relating to Organisational Development and Change (ODC). 4Seeds is well-versed in many of the ODC models, but we are advocates of the philosophy of strengths-based change. This means that we explore the organisation’s and people’s strengths, and what they naturally and collectively do well, and then we expand from there. When we focus on the weaknesses, we limit the growth and development that is possible. It’s in the strengths that we leverage transformation and optimise the change process.
When 4Seeds partners with you in transforming your organisational culture, we become part of the team with a specific change portfolio as our mandate. 4Seeds facilitates change through these seven steps.
- Conduct initial organisational diagnostics by using questionnaires and interview techniques to establish the status of the individual, team and organisational performance, well-being, and mental health status.
- Understand the change gap (where we are now, and where we want to be).
- Compose a strategic plan which includes targets, measurements and timeframes, responsible person, and celebrates milestone achievements.
- Identify and train change management champions to oversee projects, motivate people, and manage resistance to change.
- Support, grow, and develop leaders, managers, and employees with the change process.
- Provide monthly reviews and feedback on the progress of the change.
- Realign and redirect where necessary.
Culture Change programme
Yes, it does! Using the words happiness and work in the same sentence seems a bit of a contradiction in terms. But, there’s a natural symbiosis, an inherent sense of belonging to, and influence of, the one on the other. Work is the place where we spend two-thirds of our day, so being happy there makes logical sense. It’s through our work tasks that we bring our personality and authenticity out into the world. We find fulfilment in collaborating with our peers, sharing ideas, and coming up with innovative solutions. Happiness at work is the bridge builder that unites two often opposite elements into a winning formula.
Your profits are ultimately the outcome of the input that your people have invested in their tasks and in the organisation. People, not profits, determine an organisation’s success, because they’re the ones who create, develop, and deliver. People are an organisation’s biggest asset, and it’s through their productivity and performance that an organisation can make a profit and deliver a high-quality service to its customers. Our services aim to raise employee engagement, well-being, mental health, and productivity, through which you can create a sustainable competitive advantage while keeping your shareholders and employees satisfied.
Changing an organisation’s culture requires dedication and commitment from everyone, but primarily from senior leaders and the C-suite level. To create organisational change, we believe in two key concepts. Firstly, every organisation and its people are unique, so every culture change management process will be bespoke and different. We don’t support a one-size-fits-all approach. Secondly, lasting change requires a slow, constant, and reflective process, and cannot be achieved in one short workshop. The organisations which have had the most success have chosen interventions ranging from 12 to 24 months.
Team Development Workshops
Teamwork is a well-meant concept that should lead to greater productivity and performance. It means leveraging off each other’s ideas, experience, and knowledge. Unfortunately, this is not how a lot of teams function. Whether it’s poor communication, lack of diversity and inclusion, or power politics, teamwork often becomes a nightmare to manage.
Dysfunctional teams have a physical, psychological, and emotional impact on the individuals involved, the team morale, and the organisational goals. The impact becomes apparent in their work engagement, commitment, and performance. The team energy feels uncomfortable, tense, and heavy, and leaders spend their days micro-managing and mediating conflict situations. This is obviously draining on time, resources, and efficiency. A team that’s not functioning well together can be felt and seen by people within and outside of the team. Customers will notice if a team is dysfunctional by receiving poor and inconsistent service.
Signs of a dysfunctional team
- Poor communication
- Missing deadlines
- Miscommunication
- Low team morale
- Lack of decision making
- Mistrust
- Duplicated tasks
- Increase in mistakes
- Poor accountability
- Increased silo effect
- Poor collaboration
- Wait-and-see approach
- Lack of innovation and creativity
- Unresolved conflicts
- Emotional disconnect
Personal signs of a dysfunctional team
- Lack of trust
- Disengagement
- High levels of unnamed stress
- Feeling unsafe
- Withholding information
- Blaming or shaming colleagues
- Lack of desire to collaborate
- Low levels of commitment
- Corridor talk and gossiping
- Time management
- Confidence
- Assertiveness
- Goal-setting
- Business strategy
- Mental well-being
- Relationship management
- Work-life balance
- Burnout and stress management
- Conflict management
- Delegation
- Team motivation
- Employee well-being
- Trusting your team
- Perfectionism
- Career transition
- Unhappiness at work
- Learning to say no
We offer two distinct coaching packages:
- Individual coaching
- Organisational employee coaching.
Individual coaching
This process can be an important way for you to reach your potential. Our personal coaching packages comprise of six or 12 sessions every alternate week. Once-off coaching sessions are available by special request. Coaching sessions are tailored to accommodate your schedule and location, and we offer a combination of in-person or online coaching.
Organisational employee coaching
Coaching is a valuable resource in the complex hybrid workplace, and is suitable for newly appointed leaders, seasoned leaders. or supporting employees who are going through a difficult time at work. Previously, coaching was ear-marked for senior leaders or high-performing employees, but this has changed and is now aimed at every employee who wishes to invest in their growth and development. Organisational employee coaching is a triad in which the leader, employee, and coach agree upfront on the confidentiality, responsibilities of each party, logistics, coaching topics, measures of success, and timeframe. Carrying out assessments is an optional extra, but it’s recommended because it often provides valuable insight and a starting point from which to work. A halfway check-in is always done with all parties, and a final report is provided by the coach at the end of the coaching programme. The organisational employee coaching packages start at 12 sessions running over six months with a meeting every two weeks. Coaching sessions are tailored to accommodate the employee’s schedule and location, and we offer a combination of in-person or online coaching.
The coaching process always follows a similar method. At first, there will be a 90-minute discovery session where the coach and client spend time exploring what the overarching coaching objective is, identifying areas in which the client wants to grow, and creating clear measures of progress. It will be agreed on whether it’s necessary to set a halfway checkpoint, and when that will be. After the first session, each subsequent one will go through the following seven coaching stages.
- Connect and receive feedback from the previous coaching session.
- Set the coaching topic for the current session.
- Identify what you want to have obtained by the end of the session.
- Explore what makes the current topic important for you. Obtain clarity on your thoughts, assumptions, and ideas.
- Create possibilities or alternative ways of viewing the situation.
- Design actions and an accountability framework.
- Recap on learning or discoveries made in the session.
Therapy is a remedial modality which supports people to overcome emotional trauma. The focus is usually on exploring past psychological reactive behaviours, and providing coping mechanisms and solutions to the underlying emotional trauma. Therapists help to diagnose issues, and advice is often given on how to heal mental health challenges.
Counselling is often referred to as “talk therapy” in which the client discusses challenges and problems they are experiencing in their life. It’s helpful when individuals need to gain clarity on a problem and obtain a different perspective on behaving or thinking. The client is an active participant in the sessions, and with the assistance of a professional counsellor establishes the desired outcome.
A psychologist is consulted when a person intensely struggles to manage their emotions. These emotions could range from anger to depression, anxiety, or overwhelm. Their emotional state is negatively impacting their personal life, their work, and their relationships.
Coaching is a proactive, forward-focused process which aims to make a person aware of patterns and behaviours, and progressively solve them before they come up. The client chooses what they’re willing to explore, reflect on, and work through. Coaches don’t diagnose, advise, or prescribe anything, because the principle of coaching is that the client is the master of his or her own life, and is fully capable of generating their own solutions.
The fundamental difference between coaching and mentoring is that a mentor is a wise and trusted advisor who shares advice and guidance. They’ve gone through the challenges the person is facing, and are willing to impart their knowledge, skills, and experience. On the other hand, a coach lets the client find the authentic solutions for themselves, which will automatically inspire and motivate the transformation to change.
Coaching is a new-age profession, and as such, there’s limited research on the tangible measurements of its effectiveness. Putting a price on behavioural change and attitude is never easy. However, ask the reverse question: “What’s the price of staying stagnant and not growing?” All we can share is that if a person proactively engages in coaching, they will without a doubt reap the rewards of personal development and will grow to a level they previously would have thought not possible. The journey is challenging and adventurous, but rewarding for the client’s personal and professional life.
Five things explain what coaching is not, so as to remove any misunderstandings or expectations of what isn’t included in the coaching process.
- Coaching is not meant to create any co-dependence. The aim is to help grow and support a person so that after the coaching is complete, they are empowered to go their own way.
- Coaching does not dwell in the past, nor does it aim to analyse or fix past life events. Coaching has a future orientation, and respects that engaging in healing past events is for other qualified professionals.
- Coaching does not seek to give advice or diagnose problems. Everyone is the expert of their life, and has the knowledge and understanding of their current situation. Everyone is capable and competent to find solutions to their own challenges.
- Coaching sessions are not training sessions where skills or competencies are transferred. In a coaching session, the client sets the agenda, the topic to be discussed, and the desired outcome.
- Coaching is not prescriptive, so the coach won’t tell the client what to do. In every session the client chooses what they are willing to explore, reflect, and experiment with.
Creating new habits and shifting our mindset takes time, practice, and repetition. A good place to start is to engage in six sessions running over three months. After that, one can end the coaching or extend it for another three months. We offer three, six, and nine-month coaching programmes that vary in price, and are payable at the beginning of every month.
In principle, yes, the client can stop a coaching programme at any time. But we advise the client to discuss any concerns they have about the success of the coaching with their coach before deciding to end the coaching.
Coaching is for everyone who is ready to invest in themselves and create positive change in their lives. It doesn’t matter what the client’s current work title or responsibility is; if they feel ready to grow, develop and want to self-actualise to a higher level, then coaching is for them.
The birth of coaching goes back to the 1850s where tutors helped university students prepare for exams. It then deviated and became popular in the sporting world where teams and professional athletes used a coach to help maximise their potential. Only in the 1950s did coaching slowly make a breakthrough in business management literature. By the 1980s, coaching became recognised as a conventional profession, and since then has made its way into leadership programmes, career development, personal growth, and guiding human prosperity.
Are none of our services a good fit?
Don’t worry! 4Seeds is a bespoke consulting and training company, which means we can tailor our services to fit individuals, teams, and organisational needs. We are experts at diagnosing human development issues and finding viable and affordable solutions. So, if none of the services mentioned are a good fit, please call us and let’s see how we can tailor-make a specialised solution to suit your organisational needs.
If you have any questions which aren’t listed here, please get in touch with us and get your questions answered.