Resilience Building
Online Workshop

Developing your resilience in the workplace

A practical and impactful online workshop on 01 and 02 September from 08:30 am to 11:00 am for R2 250.

Early Bird Special

Book and pay before 22 August 2021 and receive a 10% discount.

Understand how to build your and your team’s resilience level.

Resilience has become a skill we’ve had to draw on overnight with the arrival of COVID-19. A year and a half into the pandemic, we’ve had to shift into managing diverse work environments, home schooling, social distancing, lockdown, and perhaps even losing a loved one or colleague. These events have worn us down, have impacted our mood and mental state, and have moved us towards burnout.

Our two-day online workshop will provide you with an in-depth understanding of resilience, as well as easy-to-apply techniques to use in your personal and professional life to bolster your resilience level. Resilience will have a tremendous impact on your team in their performance, productivity, engagement, motivation, and mental well-being.

Is your team:

  • Disengaged
  • Demotivated
  • Making unnecessary mistakes
  • Detached from one another
  • Miscommunicating
  • Wanting to work alone
  • Suffering from low energy

Then they’re likely moving into the burnout zone, which we need to reverse as soon as possible.

By attending this practical and insightful two-day online workshop, you’ll develop resilience tools that you can apply to yourself as well as in your team.

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What resilience is
  • The different types of resilience
  • The benefits of growing your resilience level
  • Tools and tips on how to further develop your resilience
  • How to recognise when others are moving into burnout
  • How to support a team member going through burnout

What you’ll get:

  • A resilience workbook
  • An autographed copy of Kerstin Jatho’s book called “Growing Butterfly Wings”
  • A certificate of completion

Who should attend the workshop:

  • Managers
  • Team leaders
  • Supervisors
  • CEOs and executives
  • Business owners
  • Business and leadership coaches
  • Management consultants
  • Project managers
  • Sales agents

About your facilitator

Kerstin Jatho is an accomplished Positive Psychologist and certified professional International Coach Federation (ICF) coach. She’s passionate about shifting people and organisations from languishing to flourishing. She has 18 years’ experience in a corporate environment and 12 years as a consultant, all of which has given her in-depth knowledge and understanding of what leaders and business owners face every day. As a Positive Psychologist, she has extensive knowledge of the science of human well-being, as well as practical tools on what makes people and organisations flourish.

Kerstin is the founder, CEO, and primary facilitator of 4Seeds Consulting. What makes her workshop unique is her ability to combine theory with relevant case studies and practical tools. She strives to impart information on this very important topic, and how to develop the necessary skills. Her workshops are entertaining, and equally challenging and thought-provoking.

Kerstin Jatho

Founder & Coach | 4Seeds Consulting

“The toolbox our leaders received allowed them to understand themselves and their teams better. It increased the level of communication and motivation to achieve team outcomes. The team leaders developed their leadership style, and learned to manage their team better.”

Beverley John-Gomes
