Hi there and welcome. It’s Kerstin Jatho here from 4Seeds Consulting, a transformational coach who shifts people from languishing to flourishing. In this video, I want to talk to you about the three work orientation styles and the expectations.
So, there are three types of work orientations:
It’s either a job, which means you work from eight to five and you are really doing it for the money.
You see your work as a career, where you want to grow and develop and go up that ladder and perhaps one day have a leadership position.
Or your work is a passion, it’s an absolute devotion and you’re not in it for the money at all.
The question is, which of the three do you resonate with the most? And if you’re looking at the workplace where the biggest challenge comes in, is that organisations are primarily wanting to recruit for career orientation. For people who want to do self-development, growth, leadership, and to go up the corporate ladder. But not everybody wants that. People do sometimes just want to work from eight to five, go home, and earn that money to satisfy that need. And we can’t judge them for that. That’s absolutely perfect. And we do need individuals like that.
However, when it comes to our recruitment process, I think we need to be honest and fair towards ‘what are we really looking for when we are recruiting? Are we looking for somebody to have a job mindset, a career mindset, or a passion?’
Not having that creates a lot of conflict, and obviously doesn’t meet expectations. So, when we do recruit, we need to ‘test what does this person want? And what do we, as an organisation actually need? What is this individual’s skillset’, and test them for it. Being mindful that the person coming for the interview is selling themselves as much as you are selling the company to them. So, you need to actually test if they do sincerely have the skillset, and that is done through interview, case studies, and perhaps they even have to do a technical demonstration of something. Just making sure that expectations are met on both sides helps that process very much.
Otherwise, you have that disappointment that you are looking for somebody to grow in a career position, but they are quite happy to have a job. You need to think about it. Do you live to work, or do you love to work? Two different mindsets. And when you are recruiting, it is a key question to take into consideration, which is fair on both parties. And because of this conversation, or this expectation is not discussed in the beginning, a lot of conflict and disappointment happens later along the way.
So, think about when you are doing your recruitment. ‘Who is it really that I need here to fill this job?’
Over to you for sharing your comments and experiences.
Have you considered where some of your employees fit in? How was their recruitment process?
About the Author: Kerstin Jatho
Kerstin is the senior transformational coach and team development facilitator for 4Seeds Consulting. She is also the author of Growing Butterfly Wings, a book on applying positive psychology principles during a lengthy recovery. Her passion is to develop people-centred organisations where people thrive and achieve their potential in the workplace. You can find Kerstin on LinkedIn, Soundcloud, YouTube and Facebook.